The Obama administration continues to subvert the practice of compassion to achieve its political ends. We see this is the dispensing of welfare, and we also see it in the practice of bringing immigrants into the U.S.
During Fiscal Year 2016, which began last October 1st, a total of 11,469 Syrian refugees have been brought to the U.S. Whatever you think of that number, you can learn a lot by looking at the statistics behind it.
Let’s take a look.
What we need to do help the police office .went we see these pigs we just gun them down . simply.
STOP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where’s Congress? Can’t you stop this out of control Monster?
How many women and children do you see? They look like able bodied men who should fight for their own country. So all i see are cowards who leave the women and children to fight.
Do you see any women or children in this picture, NO! Just men, young men ending up as future terrorists in America, They were not vetted, Obuma just let them in.’
Surprise…Julian Asange has an October surprise for you, and Hillary!
Male Syrian refugees just like German Chancellor Angela Merkell did and look what has happened their .
and all of them are fighter age men, giving the crooked killary more votes
Congress is not doing their jobs !!!! It’s time to clean house !!!!
They are dumped in States that vote Republican,