The Obama administration continues to subvert the practice of compassion to achieve its political ends. We see this is the dispensing of welfare, and we also see it in the practice of bringing immigrants into the U.S.
During Fiscal Year 2016, which began last October 1st, a total of 11,469 Syrian refugees have been brought to the U.S. Whatever you think of that number, you can learn a lot by looking at the statistics behind it.
Let’s take a look.
Truth and Action…. WHAT STATES AND HOW MANY???
Trump has a plan to clean out the states and return them home so if your tired of tripping over them everywhere you go you know who to vote for.
More on welfare
send them back to the countries they ruined.
if trump does not win america will suffer like never before this influx of refugees is a plan from the left to get them all over here grant them citizenship and they all vote democrat forever shifting the elections in a way that will assure democrats are the only ones who will ever win at any election and a plan to undo our traditions and way of life forever
there is already no go zones here in america got three words to put a stop to this$#%&!@*now LOCK AND LOAD
These$#%&!@*in the Idaho state house are letting them in better pay attention people.
Vote Trump and we can start deporting these refugees! Obama is putting America in danger!
It will not work people are fed up