The Obama administration continues to subvert the practice of compassion to achieve its political ends. We see this is the dispensing of welfare, and we also see it in the practice of bringing immigrants into the U.S.
During Fiscal Year 2016, which began last October 1st, a total of 11,469 Syrian refugees have been brought to the U.S. Whatever you think of that number, you can learn a lot by looking at the statistics behind it.
Let’s take a look.
why must they all be Muslims don’t they have Christians who are being killed that need to come here first?
Philip Haney the DHS whistle blower, explained that when Obama let the Muslim Brotherhood into our government under the guise of CAIR. Council on Islamic Relations. CAIR was allowed to influence government departments and policy. Haney explained that through CAIR the DHS changed from a policing agency to a Muslim civil rights agency. They erased files on terrorist groups and linking information. New rules created a situation where if you are investigating a group that is not violent then you are automatically violating their civil rights even if they are tied to other organizations that are. Therefore the groups that were yet to be violent were removed from the system. Andrew McCarthy who prosecuted the blind shiek proved that Hillary’s Secretary Huma Abiden is a Muslim Brotherhood mole. Since the dots that connect her have yet to be violent according to policy, we are violating her civil rights under freedom of religion. A Bill was presented to Ryan to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group. Ryan as failed to bring the Bill to the floor. Terrorists are training to attack America from no go zones all over America. Since the groups they belong to have yet to be violent then in investigating them we are violating their civil rights. If one becomes violent then they simply change their name. The Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella group for almost all of them.
ISIS was created for migration saturation Jihad.
Migration saturation Jihad or civilization jihad, political jihad, insurrection, war, submission, submission to sharia.
The Koran calls Muslims who do not follow sharia hypocrites who will go to hell.
The Koran says Allah is the greatest of schemers. CAIR is the political jihad wing of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. Almost all Muslim organizations that support sharia are under the umbrella of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. Obama had the Muslim Brotherhood in the Whitehouse, and established a regime change to put Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood operative as dictator in Egypt.
The Countries that Obama, Hillary, Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, attacked, are non sharia run countries. Syria also needs to be taken out in order to run a gas pipeline through Saudi Arabia Qatar Syria and Turkey.
General William Boykin, Admiral Lyons, CIA intelligence specialists Clair Lopez, assistant director of Defense under Reagan, Frank Gaffney who runs the Center for Security policy, Andrew McCarthy, DHS whistle blower Philip Haney, Representatives who have been vilified, all say the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD has infiltrated every level of our government and that at Benghazi we switched sides on the war on terror.
The Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersh believes Hillary was involved in the gas attack on children in Syria. Andrew McCarthy proves that Hillary’ secretary Huma Abiden is Muslim Brotherhood…there is so much more.
If you look at Europe you are seeing the plan of the NWO around 5 years ahead of America. Legalizing polygamy will accelerate the process in America. The Koran explains that those who migrate for the cause of Allah who follow sharia, receive the same reward as the Mujahedeen ( the fighters) since Allah is the greatest of schemers, a scheme is always put in place in order to take over countries. This includes not assimilating ( sharia is a violation of article 6 of the constitution. No representative should put his hand on a Constitution unless he pledges to make sharia a felony) it includes taqiyya the art of deception. Sharia following Muslims cannot be friends with those outside the faith or they will go to hell. Philip Haney the Whistle Blower at the DHS who witnessed Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the DHS the erasing of his files on terrorists and a process of tracking terrorists using a new political correctness that made the office blind . Haney said, every mosque is a stronghold and a sign that sharia has conquered that area . Obama before the United Nations conference said, the future must not belong to those who slander the name of the prophet of Islam. This is the foundation of sharia law. It means, there is no future for those who are not under sharia
Islam has been chosen by those who are pulling the strings in this world for crisis, crisis response, despotism. Blind sheep will accept any shepherd. It is a step toward restructuring the entire globe through crisis response. Trump has thrown a wrench in the game. If Trump took the money and was for TPP then it would not be a problem. The puppet masters including George Soros who controls Hillary’s foreign policy, cannot have Trump. If they cannot destroy him in the election process then they will try and kill him. It is only through miracles that he will survive and do what he needs to do in order to take back this country. The soul of the country needs to change. People need to get down on their knees and pray for this country. Every media source controlled by the NWO has an outright war against TRUMP. The globalist Republicans are in on it.
TPP unites with the European trade agreements and agenda 21 to destroy sovereignty and form a United Nations controlled world trade and environmental court that will control every aspect of your life. There is no man made global warming. It is part of the agenda to enforce agenda 21. Global change is caused by the decrease in the earths magnetic field. Look up what is going on with our magnetic field right now. It will be used for crisis, crisis response. They are attacking Trumps stupid words and flaws to keep you away from how incredibly corrupt Hillary is. She is a vile, liar, narcissistic sociopath. Even her secret service agents speak out about this but they are constantly being cut off by the liberal sheep pundits.
This election is a choice between the NWO or to take back America, plain and simple. It is Brexit on steroids. Liberalism and political correctness give reason to sin and keeps your focus off the eternal soul. Political correctness blinds you to your own destruction. It was simply part of the plan. Wake up and turn to God, and take back our country.
Emails show George Soros influencing Hillary’s foreign policy decisions.
Emails show Soros involved in pushing migration into civilized nations.
Emails show Soros involved in group to ATTACK those they label as against Muslims.
Emails show Soros supporting black lives matter giving huge sums of money to the group.
Emails show Soros involved in paying for riots.
Emails show DNC staging violent protests.
Soros has given millions to Hillary.
Hillary is a student of Saul Alinsky.
The goal is a marxist society. In order to get their you need to follow the rules for useful idiots. Some of the tactics include placing on the opponents what you yourself are guilty of. They include increasing racism and exploding the debt. They include creating distrust in government and exploding the debt. The country cannot survive with a welfare state and open boarders. Hillary has flip flopped on so many issues because the issues do not matter, only the marxist goals.
Leaked Memo Reveals Soros Plan for Federally Controlled Police.
BY Aaron Klein
A leaked document from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations exposes the billionaire’s level of involvement in attempting to build what his organization describes as a “national movement” to reform local police forces across the U.S. The reform largely consists of federal guidelines for local police forces.
The document identifies an opportunity in the police killings of African-American men in Ferguson, Staten Island, North Charleston, and Baltimore. It relates that the U.S. contingent of Open Society held a planning meeting titled, “Police Reform: How to Take Advantage of the Crisis of the Moment and Drive Long-Term Institutional Change in Police-Community Practice.”
The extensive memo further documents that Soros-financed groups and personalities influenced President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which last May released a final report consisting of 60 recommendations providing guidance to localities on how to modify policing practices.
The information was contained in a 59-page report on an Open Society Foundations’ U.S. Programs board meeting in New York from May 7-9 of last year.
The document states that the Foundations’ U.S. Programs (USP) was seeking to use “this moment” – meaning the so-called crisis in policing following high profile shootings and charges of racism – to “create a national movement” for police reform.
States the board meeting document:
The federal government is seeking philanthropic support for a number of its initiatives. In addition to seeking support to advance the implementation of the recommendations of the Presidential Taskforce, the White House recently launched the Policing Data Initiative to explore how best to use data and technology to build trust, voice, and solutions to improve community policing. … As we proceed, we will engage the funder network we helped to establish, the Executive Alliance on Men and Boys of Color, which now includes forty foundations.
The memo states Soros-financed groups and activists influenced Obama’s police reform task force. One of the nine members of the task force was Bryan Stevenson, identified on the final task force report itself as “Founder and Executive Director, Equal Justice Initiative.” However, as the Soros document highlights, Stevenson also serves on the board of the Open Society Foundations’ U.S. Programs. The Foundations’ document also states that a number of Soros-financed organizations gave testimony to Obama’s police reform task force…
It identifies Black Lives Matter as central to the national campaign: “Another layer of grassroots and youth-oriented groups like Freedom Side, Ferguson Action, Black Lives Matter, and Million Hoodies Movement for Justice are also advocating for specific reforms.”…
Earlier this month, Breitbart News first reported that another hacked Soros document confirmed that the Open Society last year approved $650,000 to “invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.”
This is his plan to take down America ! Take him OUT NOW !
Maybe they will be in the state he moves to
Setting up his army in strategic areas . LOCK AND LOAD .
This is tyranny bull$#%&!@*hes a treasonist traitor imposter to our Nation
They should stay in their country and fight ISIS for their freedom.