The Obama administration continues to subvert the practice of compassion to achieve its political ends. We see this is the dispensing of welfare, and we also see it in the practice of bringing immigrants into the U.S.
During Fiscal Year 2016, which began last October 1st, a total of 11,469 Syrian refugees have been brought to the U.S. Whatever you think of that number, you can learn a lot by looking at the statistics behind it.
Let’s take a look.
All these refugees are being processed through religious organizations like Catholic Charities. Problem is Islamic Jihadists are commanded to kill and rape Christians and Jews. There are ISIS terrorists coming in with the refugees in a Trojan Horse fashion. Christians and Jews should stop donating to their churches and synagogues until they stop this infux of Muslim refugees into our country.
Find them and force them to leave!
These assholes cant even hold a job let alone a weapon (properly). Bring em’ on in so they can be rooted out and dispatched…
Congress do your job. Impeachment for all the Democratic party now and fire all the REST of the Democratic party now.
obama thinks more of Muslims than he does Americans!
They wont be around long anyway
This is a bunch of c**p that Obama is doing. He should be charged with treason.
Treason Governors allow is treason. Ryan allows. McConnell allows Merkel even confirmed they are Isis .
Treason runs DC
Don’t understand why the media doesn’t pick up,on this!! If true we have the right to this info and where they are being relocated….