President Obama says that the Oregon shooting should be politicized. Obama keeps up the rhetoric and does not deal with the heart of the issue, the man behind the trigger, not the tool used.
Angry that once again he has had to stand before America and deal with such devastating violence, yet he seemingly misses an opportunity to bring healing and sympathetic statesmanship to the families in Oregon. Obama chooses to rage against Second Amendment supporters and misses the opportunity to promote healing. Read more about Obama angst on page 2.
The only good thing about when Obummer opens his mouth and spews forth his anti-gun rhetotic is gun sales skyrocket!!
Or any of the names to be honorably mentioned, as a tragic loss in an act of war against our country!!!?????
Obama my cat has a better brain than yours .
Obama is one sad and sick puppy! The only thing that matters to him is his political agenda. Would be far too much to ask for him to lead a prayer vigil, give a speech to the families of the fallen, etc…
Dont care what O Says, he is not our president, he is nothing, we do not listen to him.
Always has, will continue to do so until he is called to truth.
It was a black Muslim… Politicize that!
Wasn’t it a GOOD Guy with a GUN that stopped the bad guy with a gun? Just checkin’
Go sit down
And waste of life breathe body and life preserving resources