Oregonian families are reeling in devastating pain and the one man who should rise above the political fray in this situation chooses to use it as a political platform.
The president was clearly angry with the frequency of mass shootings in America — and critics who said he was politicizing the issue. “This is something we should politicize,” he said earnestly. “It is relevant to our common life together, to the body politic.”
He launched an emotional appeal for (sic) more gun control, but he didn’t hold back when condemning Second Amendment supporters.
Since taking office, Obama has had eleven mass shootings with which to deal. He said the responses to the shooting have become routine and that “We’ve become numb.” Yet, nothing in his rhetoric has changed, nothing that he has proposed looks at the person with the gun, but rather the gun itself.
In Obama’s fantasy-land, he would round up every last gun, there would be none left and he would melt them all down. In his imagination, even the bad guys would not be able to hide their weapons and thus all guns would be gone and violence would not happen anymore.
In reality, only the good guys who follow the law of the land would be hurt by this plan, because criminals don’t care about being law abiding. Understanding human nature seems to escape the left.
“The notion that gun violence is somehow different, that our freedom and our constitution prohibits any modest regulation of how we use a deadly weapon … it doesn’t make sense,” he said.
Modest regulation is what we have in this country. Every city and state has gun regulations on the books. Criminals don’t abide by them. Instead of dealing with the criminal elements, the left screams for more regulation. They propose more laws that have demonstrably done harm in countries around the world who have stringent gun laws.
Taking away the liberty and freedom of an entire nation because of the few bad apples, while not changing the way criminals are managed and the mentally ill are cared for in this country, is the only answer liberals seem to have after such a tragic event. After eleven shootings on Obama’s watch, one would think a different game plan would be entertained.
Source: Breitbart
he to need to go to jail
While this entitled activist, racist, islameic apologist , sits under guard 24/7. The entitled maggot poloticians just keep on inventing ways to keep their jobs. Obummer should keep in mind he works for us, not us working for him. Go away obummer….
as this government destroys our economy and limits our freedom, our remaining choices are going to become more and more psychotic. Its not guns nor the shooters. Its this oppressive government causing this.
Obama, another lie coming out of his mouth. The American people can tell it is a lie because they see his lips moving.
obama do us all a favor and go pound sand!
Someone please tell Obamass to shut up for once!
And again, can someone please take out the trash!!!
Was f**e…