In his interviews with YouTube stars this past Thursday, Obama stated that politicians created universities.
“The truth of the matter is: The reason we even have colleges is that at some point there were politicians who said, ‘You know what? We should start colleges,’” Obama claimed.
Yea and Al Gore created the Internet…
This ridiculousness couldn’t be further from the truth and only serves as propaganda for the big government agenda of Marxists.
“Well, basically, politics is just how do we organize ourselves as a society? Ummm, you know, how do we make decisions about we are going to live together?” the wearied-looking U.S. President also instructed his bubbly YouTube interlocutor.
However, Obama’s assessment about the history of colleges isn’t quite accurate. Like any complex institution, the various colleges and universities in advanced Western countries evolved into being through a slow, gradual process largely outside the sphere of government.
The world’s oldest college that has been in continuous existence is the University of Bologna. It was founded in 1088. It arose not out of government at all but through civil society — specifically mutual aid societies of foreign students who hired private scholars to teach them. About 80 years later, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa granted a charter to the by-then established institution.
The University of Oxford is about the same age but its exact date of establishment is unclear. Evidence suggests that there was teaching going on in the institution that is now the University of Oxford as early as 1096. The government did not found Oxford. King Henry III eventually granted a royal charter to the 150-year-old or school in 1248.
The United States is currently home to some 1,750 private colleges and universities which grant four-year degrees — including Harvard.
The first college in the land that is now the United States was Harvard College. It was, in fact, founded by a colonial legislature in 1636 primarily to train men for ministerial work.
After declaring that politicians waved a legislative wand to “start colleges,” Obama cited the Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 — crediting Abraham Lincoln and referencing “something called the land-grant colleges.”
The Morrill Land-Grant Act provided federal money for the foundation of many of America’s system of gargantuan public universities.
After educating his interviewer about his version of the history of the origins of higher education, Obama proceeded to ramble about how important it is for these kids today to “have a voice” in “making sure the gays and lesbians and transgender persons are treated fairly.”
He noted, sublimely and profoundly, that “laws only pass if politics, you know, uhhh, allows those laws to pass.”
After a pause, Obama said: “You know, the environment” and said he worries about “if the climate keeps on gettin’ warmer.”
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The Full Interviews:
How in the hell did this muslim get elect as president. Something aint right,impeach him
Obama should shut his mouth & reveal his great scholarship, the papers her wrote. To date, he has all his papers sealed.
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THE ATTACKS OF 9/11 – Treason is the reason for the 28 missing pages.
submitted by jimd3100 on fri, 12/27/2013 – 9:49pm
9/11 CIA coverup Intelligence
Want to take a peak at what is in those 28 pages that were blacked out of the Joint Inquiry?
A meeting between Prince Bandar, the brother in law of the head of Saudi Intelligence, and Governor George Bush, CIA headquarters is named after his father.
“My dad told me before I make up my mind, go and talk to Bandar. One, he’s our friend. Our means America, not just the Bush family. Number two, he knows everyone around the world who counts. And number three, he will give you his view on what he sees happening in the world.”
“There are people who are your enemies in this country,” Bush said, “who also think my dad is your friend.”
“So?” asked Bandar, not asking who, though the reference was obviously to supporters of Israel, among others.
Bush said in so many words that the people who didn’t want his dad to win in 1992 would also be against him if he ran. They were the same people who didn’t like Bandar.
“Can I give you one advice?” Bandar asked.
“Mr. Governor, tell me you really want to be president of the United States.”
Bush said yes.
“And if you tell me that. I want to tell you one thing. To hell with Saudi Arabia or who likes Saudi Arabia or who doesn’t, who likes Bandar or doesn’t. Anyone who you think hates your dad or your friend who can be important to make a difference in winning, swallow your pride and make friends of them. And I can help you. I can help you out and complain about you, make sure they understand that, and that will make sure they help you.”
Bush recognized the Godfather’s advice. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. But he seemed uncomfortable and remarked that that wasn’t particularly honest.
“Never mind if you really want to be honest,” Bandar said. “This is not a confession booth. If you really want to stick to that, just enjoy this term and go do something fun. In the big boy’s game, it’s cuttthroat, it’s bloody and it’s not pleasant.” -pages 4-5
In June 1999, while Governor of Texas, Bush announced his candidacy for President of the United States.
While George Bush would win the Presidential election in Late 2000, and a new Vice President, a new Secretary of Defense, a new Secretary of State, and a new National Security Advisor would take their offices. The CIA Director would remain the same. So would the counter terrorism Czar, Richard Clarke but for some unexplained reason Clarke was demoted with the arrival of the new Administration.
“Some CIA sources say that George Tenet set the tone for the CIA’s Saudi relationship by relying heavily on developing close relationships with top Saudi officials, including Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, then the Saudi ambassador to the United States. Tenet met regularly with the Saudi ambassador. CIA officers familiar with the agency’s relationship with Saudi Arabia say that about once a month, Tenet would slip away from CIA headquarters and travel to Bandar’s nearby estate in McLean, Virginia, for quiet talks.”
“Bandar and Tenet had a very close relationship,” said one CIA officer. “Bandar had a unique role, he was in charge of the American relationship for Saudi Arabia.”
“But some CIA officers handling Saudi issues complain that Tenet would not tell them what he had discussed with Bandar, making it difficult for agency officials to know the nature of any deals their boss was arranging with the Saudis.” page 188
Do something about the high price of college
Liberals have a hard time to change views on their positions from where their heads are firmly planted. Thus their BULL FECES is all they KNOW!
You are so full of it.
barack o,gump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love all the Muslim colleges.
Actually churches started the collages and all lessons were conducted by clergymen.
Oh look! A unicorn.