CNN recently reported that police officers deaths from guns has gone up 72 percent compared to last year. Now, Barack Obama is finally doling out some blame. Unsurprisingly, Obama is singling out the actions of law enforcement — not the killers — as the primary cause of these murders.
This accusation comes right after five cops were killed in Dallas, and three more were killed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. All eight men were targetted because they were police officers, and all eight were murdered by Black men who were affiliated with Black Lives Matter, or other like-minded organizations.
Of course, it was always unlikely that Obama would ever single out these anti-cop movements for the violence they have incited. Obama has spent much too of the last year praising the organizations to admit that they have gone so far off their intended path.
Now, his only option has become to blame the police — which is exactly what he has done. See the stunning statement on the next page:
Why don’t you speak out against it! You still have a few days!
Bill Meyers
What do you get when you have two standards of law; one in which we the people are severely punished for even minor offenses, like being beat up or gunned down by a trigger happy cop, but the govt, judges, lawyers and police can ignore those laws for which we will be punished and will even turn a blind eye to police committing murder?
You end up with a tyrannical police state in which those in govt and it’s agents have freedom while we, the mere mortals and peons, have no rights or freedom and are only here to be the tax cows and revenue slaves to our masters.
Welcome to America, “land of the free,” in 2016!
He’s such a traitor! And a scumbag!!!!
Get real butt head.
Bruce Gonyea
First of it’s kind study shows 55,400 people hospitalized or killed in a single year.
Bruce, there are only 18,000 police departments nationwide!
As you your “it’s only a few bad apples” theory, how can police be “good” when
They don’t know the law and make them up as they go along
Will enforce unconstitutional, unjust laws
Will turn a blind eye to the abuse by the supposed few “bad apples” if not actively aid and abet them which means they are NOT “good cops”
If it is only a “few bad apples” as you believe, then why do officers get demoted, fired, intimidated, harassed or worse, killed by fellow officers for reporting corruption and abuse?
Police aren’t the Andy Griffith you may believe they are and they break the law constantly with no repercussions!
Get out of the White House
There are no good cops
And this is what a joke looks like
7 ways police will break the law, threaten or lie to you to get what they want