CNN recently reported that police officers deaths from guns has gone up 72 percent compared to last year. Now, Barack Obama is finally doling out some blame. Unsurprisingly, Obama is singling out the actions of law enforcement — not the killers — as the primary cause of these murders.
This accusation comes right after five cops were killed in Dallas, and three more were killed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. All eight men were targetted because they were police officers, and all eight were murdered by Black men who were affiliated with Black Lives Matter, or other like-minded organizations.
Of course, it was always unlikely that Obama would ever single out these anti-cop movements for the violence they have incited. Obama has spent much too of the last year praising the organizations to admit that they have gone so far off their intended path.
Now, his only option has become to blame the police — which is exactly what he has done. See the stunning statement on the next page:
Linda Steffy, how many police in this country? 900,000. So we have one bad apple and you try and Blane the cops. Well blacks make up 13% of population and commit over 50% of violent crime. So you and your libertard buddies can call a thug next time someone (likely black by the statistics ) rob, rape or muder you ,your family or friends. Put down the cool-aid. IT IS INCURABLE BAVE,CAN’T HELP YOU!
Sorry that was for thar idiot Jerry Deaton, Linda Steffy, “so true” though, you kind of went both ways with your comment
What am$#%&!@*!!!!!!!!!!!
Pure ignorance
What are they going to apologize for? No, you need to apologize to them and their families. You did this, you alone divided this country. I am so amazed that you had a chance to be the greatest president ever! You blew it! So back off with the garbage mouth ! No one cares what you say. They only care about what you could bave been, and didn’t. And BTW 85 million for Michelles vaca’s are way excessive. You need to pay some of that back. Just not right!
What a total bunch of c**p. He needs a reality check before he opens his mouth. He also needs to remember he is half white .
He is to blame fucking asshole
Why arent6you dead,you are a failure
There may be a few bad cops but that gives no one the right to go out and murder our policemen. These cop killers need to be put to death for taking lives who are out there trying to keep law and order. These thugs think they do not have to obey anyone. Starts at home foljs!!
Unqualified to be a leader, only a jackass