Obama, in attempting to inflict as much harm as possible prior to his leaving office, has nominated Eric Fanning to lead the Army, the first openly gay civilian secretary of one of the military services. This calculated move to humiliate the military, while reducing its size and strength, while bolstering the country’s enemies, has become a Hallmark for the President.
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What a travesty… What’s next, disband congress and set up a national sharia council??
Does congress have to approve this position?
This is a black eye to the American public. There is no pride in this appointment.
up yours bammy.
One more step in Obama’s trying to destroy our military. Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not confirm him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so disgusting what kind of a leader of obama is..so wicked!!!the king of sodoom and gomorrah and not the president ofUSA
Another Step by Obama to destroy the U.S and its People !
Say hey boys…
Great ? An army that fights together sleeps together !!
He’ll bring a new meaning to “Blowing up the enemy.” Obama does everything he possibly can to tear down Christian American Principles.I mean,gays are 2% of the population.Couldn’t find a straight man or woman to take the job? Good riddance,in 18 months,our dapper,Al Sharpton,clone masquerading as Potus.