Obama, in attempting to inflict as much harm as possible prior to his leaving office, has nominated Eric Fanning to lead the Army, the first openly gay civilian secretary of one of the military services. This calculated move to humiliate the military, while reducing its size and strength, while bolstering the country’s enemies, has become a Hallmark for the President.
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Maybe it’s time for all the strait men and women to get out of the army an see how long the$#%&!@*sobs last
Here is a perfect example how barry soetoro {barrack HUSSEIN MOHAMMED obama} loves to HUMILIATE AMERICA: “Obama, is attempting to inflict as much harm as possible prior to his leaving office, has nominated Eric Fanning to lead the Army, the first openly gay civilian secretary of one of the military services.” And he is DEFINITELY ANTI-AMERICAN !!!
Lead them where?
Obama has put our nation in a place where the Russians can look down at us from morale high ground.
This is Better idea.OK.
he turning are country into a big joke like he is
Rose Monaco Arnaudo Even way back when gay were not to be in the military there was lost of them in/ They were just as good as any one else in there. They do the same job using military bearing and fortitude. We knew they were there but as long as they did the job no one really cared unless they tried to pick up on you. Most would not try they were duty bound.
Bad idea.
Oh, creeps!