Obama, in attempting to inflict as much harm as possible prior to his leaving office, has nominated Eric Fanning to lead the Army, the first openly gay civilian secretary of one of the military services. This calculated move to humiliate the military, while reducing its size and strength, while bolstering the country’s enemies, has become a Hallmark for the President.
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Please NO!
This figures and makes sense ! I tried to join the army but I told them I could read and write so they sent me to the marines .
there goes the neighborhood…er, country…
Yeah his orientation actually hasn’t upset any of the veteran pages I follow.. other than the gay jokes about it of course being the army
well he said he was going to change the country–he didn’t say it would be good
The ??? was never in the service and about sticking it, I think the OVAMIT went through the back door.
Oll fruit boots.
absolutely disgusting make me puke
Do you think they would follow this guy into battle? I would suspect he would lay down his weapon and surrender, at which time he would be shot and the battle would proceed.