Obama, in attempting to inflict as much harm as possible prior to his leaving office, has nominated Eric Fanning to lead the Army, the first openly gay civilian secretary of one of the military services. This calculated move to humiliate the military, while reducing its size and strength, while bolstering the country’s enemies, has become a Hallmark for the President.
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Has no experience. Should be easy to get him to follow obamas radical agenda to destroy honor, Patriots and courage
Someone told me the army dont salute any more …. they WINK..or blow kissesor both..JOKING ..but this is sad…
Well the military will really look up to him/her. Do we know which one.
WOOOOHOOO time for revilie fellas WOOOHOOO
Let’s see how “manly” the military will be handled/instructed now
He just never quits!!!!!!!!!
Yes to our military all of you took a vote to defend our constitution and our country> YOU never took an oath to defend obama.
I really don’t have anything against gays but the Bible does.
How the hell can he lean the Army if he’s NEVER served?