Obama, in attempting to inflict as much harm as possible prior to his leaving office, has nominated Eric Fanning to lead the Army, the first openly gay civilian secretary of one of the military services. This calculated move to humiliate the military, while reducing its size and strength, while bolstering the country’s enemies, has become a Hallmark for the President.
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stupidity plus.
I am against gays because they are an abomination.
this is the funniest thing i ever heard they dont like to get dirty and limp wrists cant hold a gun
they would have to draft a$#%&!@*to go to military they dont like to get dirty but it might be a good way to elimate a few. lol
I’m sure they sucked each other’s DICKS VIGOROUSLY LMFAO
God help us!!
I could just pinch those little fat cheeks.
GUYS don’t reach down for the soap