Obama’s pick to replace Justice Antonin Scalia is an opponent to the Second Amendment. Merrick Garland is exactly the type of justice one would expect Obama, who has been called the “most anti–gun president in American history” to nominate to the Supreme Court.
One of the most important Second Amendment cases in history, District of Columbia v. Heller, and the case leading up to it was in Garland’s sights. He was one of four judges who voted to grant an en banc hearing of Parker v. District of Columbia, which ultimately led to the ruling by the Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller.
This en banc hearing entails, a decision by the full court of every appeals judge in the jurisdiction where there is more than one three- or four-judge panel. The larger number will sit in judgement if the court feels that there is an especially compelling issue at stake. In this case, Garland felt that the decision made to strike down the District of Columbia’s gun ban was an error.
Read more about Obama’s pick on the next page.
Obammo intent on putting USA out of power
What a true Muslim he has turned out to be… Our Congress must all be voted out !!!
Nope. He can’t do that in an election year. Factually, Obama is not legally or Constitutionally president. He was never eligible to run for president and is not a Natural Born Citizen. We don’t need his birthplace. His father was not a US citizen when he was born so he has duel citizenship. Totally disqualifies him. He should be arrested now for impersonation of a federal official.
I wouldn’t even give him a hearing!!!!
A$#%&!@*ASS MOVE,,,,,,,,,,
Pick away. This is the only time he wants to use the Constitution and it’s for his own good. Too bad, too sad. He voted not to allow Bush have his pick during an election year so he will just have to live with it.
No hearing no giving in to obama this time
And he didn’t tell you this guy is anti guns either. He’s a liar and a thief