Two Russian nuclear-capable bombers crossed over into U.S airspace in Putin’s latest display of bravado last month. Unlike earlier intrusions, no jets were launched to shadow the two Tu-95 Bear H bombers that flew into the Alaskan zone on April 22, even though the Pentagon described this latest incursion as ‘dangerous’.
Last year, Russian bombers crossed over into U.S. and Canadian airspace at least 16 times.
Probably offered one our tankers to supply free in flight refueling too so considerate a man he is
Is this a 3rd grade site? You don’t remember Obama parading thousands of tanks and other military vehicles right past Russia around the Ukraine? Remember Russia sneaking back out? They didn’t do s**t. I forgot you don’t watch real news. Are you really that dumb? FEMA has buses parked at Walmart. Get your entire family on them and don’t ask where you’re going. Two things we can do without since Obama saved the country as his first priority from Bush (excusing everyone that corrupted our system and went bankrupt – Enron, Freddie/Fannie, Lehman Bros. Not to mention Haliburton ripping everyone of you fools off. Well, those with jobs. Maybe one of you work?). Paranoid weirdos like you. And no more treason.Tired of how dumb you all make yourself. Obama best president in the last 60 years. At least read – for crying out loud
Accidently shoot it down thinking it was a alien space craft.
Please remove the word “Truth” from your name.
If nobody was there, how do we know it was a Bear H?
Calm down its just a vodka delivery.
How many incursions do we make? What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
i’m sure the cretins that wrote this c**p have ALL the real background info… riiiiiiiiiiight
We fly nearby. We have also been shot down a few times …. U-2 is one, and EC-121 is another. The USS Liberty got shot up by the Israelis with loss of life and the USS Pueblo was captured.
This meme is an outright lie.