Two Russian nuclear-capable bombers crossed over into U.S airspace in Putin’s latest display of bravado last month. Unlike earlier intrusions, no jets were launched to shadow the two Tu-95 Bear H bombers that flew into the Alaskan zone on April 22, even though the Pentagon described this latest incursion as ‘dangerous’.
Last year, Russian bombers crossed over into U.S. and Canadian airspace at least 16 times.
Obama has no Balls.
Wh at the heck is our POTUS doing ? Actions such as this in my mind is sudition , and cose to tresaon ! Where is CONGRESS ??
Why the hell have we not shoot them down
Dumb $#%&!@*!
Arrest ovomit, prosecute him for treason and murder and execute him.
People we need to get him out of office……before we are in a war on all sides
It seems everyday we hear yet another idiotic mess he has caused or is responsible for comes out!
You know >>Putin is a hell of a lot Smarter than That $#%&!@*hole Obama And that is going to bring the END
How & why is this happening ??? They should be shot down immediately.