Two Russian nuclear-capable bombers crossed over into U.S airspace in Putin’s latest display of bravado last month. Unlike earlier intrusions, no jets were launched to shadow the two Tu-95 Bear H bombers that flew into the Alaskan zone on April 22, even though the Pentagon described this latest incursion as ‘dangerous’.
Last year, Russian bombers crossed over into U.S. and Canadian airspace at least 16 times.
Obarry is not a coward. he was trained from birth for a mission and has done exactly what he set out to do. first black president, (all afraid to question his decisions, fear of political correctness) continues to execute plan because half of America is afraid to say the emperor has no clothes. You have elected the enemy.
This is another false story. Russian bombers do not violate US airspace.
Yea. We shoulda shot them down and risk world war three on american soil. That definitely sounds like a more appropriate response to this situation….
Seems to me he is pushing to see how far he can go before he can push back.
Dumb $#%&!@* balless idiot muslim traitor dictator
What else do you expect of an illegal alien ruling a nation that he hates
You know there is more than one set of crosshairs on those bombers…
Must be spying on there uranium mine in the USA. Obama lets them sell it to Iran! That is the Dumbest thing I have heard!