Two Russian nuclear-capable bombers crossed over into U.S airspace in Putin’s latest display of bravado last month. Unlike earlier intrusions, no jets were launched to shadow the two Tu-95 Bear H bombers that flew into the Alaskan zone on April 22, even though the Pentagon described this latest incursion as ‘dangerous’.
Last year, Russian bombers crossed over into U.S. and Canadian airspace at least 16 times.
maybe part of SALT treaty?
Presidential Idiot!!
And what are we going to do when he moves into Alaska and claims it belongs to Mother Russia just like he did in Georgia and Ukraine? NOTHING until we get a President with a spine. No lines in the snow!
Send Obama to Russia.
obama is just a $#%&!@* ! what a disgrace !
just give them the keys to the country…no borders no culture no language=no country. just what the admin wants.
Obama needs to be removed from office now!
Obummrnis a coward to caters to the strong, he is intimidated easily and will bow to all super powers
They know we have a $#%&!@* for a leader.
Actually the DID no cross into sovereign US Airspace but just a defense Identification zone. There is a difference quite pandering false information