Barack Obama can not fathom why some people don’t like him.
Of course, the reasons are many. He led the country into the biggest recession since the Great Depression, then subsequently subjected Americans to one of the slowest recoveries on record.
Meanwhile, he forced unpopular — and illegal — policies on the American people. Obamacare was forced through congress despite the fact that it didn’t have the necessary votes from his Democrat-controlled legislature. When that led his party to record-breaking losses in the Senate and House, he circumvented congress altogether and began to abuse his access to executive orders.
Still, Obama always turns to one topic when he’s forced to acknowledge his unpopularity. Predictably, it has nothing to do with his policies. It’s a tired response and is sure to elicit a collective eye roll from most of America.
See why Obama thinks his opponents true motives are on the next page.
This is what is called the “trickle down” effect? Can hardly wait for positive, successful thinking, nothing impossible attitude Donald Trump to guide and lead our country to prosperity and hope again!
you are the very person that continues to play the racism card and keep it on the minds of the people… are like the pied piper leading people down the wrong path to their own destruction… inspire chaos and give the people no hope for a better America ….you dont want peace and stability for the people, you want us dead… think your god will reward you for this but you are going to have a rude awakening on judgement day…..your god offers death and destruction as the only way but the ONE TRUE GOD offers a choice of life, peace and eternal love and happiness….you have made your choice and you will be rewarded accordingly and like satan you will take as many people with you as you can…..but christians have made their choice too and when you are screaming in hell we will be singing with the angels, dwelling in mansions and loving and being loved by the ONE TRUE GOD….
he’s the devil’s puppet; what can we expect?
How does he know ,good one Obama for pointing that out ,dah
What a dufus!!!
I thought you said that we are doing well ,economically, under your rule.
He’s a socialists and a Muslim who feels America should not be the global power that we are or used to be, this was his plan from day one
And dangerois
Who stressed them$#%&!@*?? You!
and YOU turn to racism when you want to manipulate the votes