In Obama’s diatribe delivered on atrocities committed in the name of religion, our President tried to state that “People committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” during the Crusades.
Just like other Muslims confronted about jihad, Obama is quick to cite the crusades as one of Christianity’s black marks and the reason for hostilities between Christianity and Islam. This is, like most of what comes out of BO’s mouth, is completely fabricated garbage.
Unknown to many ignorant infidels, the crusades were actually carried out as a defensive measure against Islamic jihad, not because they were somehow imperialistic.
This man (thing) is pure scum
Yes so did the muslins, if history tells us the muslins started to kill christians first then the Templar were sent to juraslam. So tell the truth not your portion. Besides that was 13th century, if we went around blaming everything that happened way before we were born we all would kill ourselves. Start with middle east first, then Europe, then Asia. We have a long way to go before we were even a country.
Thank you, but the Devil knows the Bible, he distorts it,……
why obama do you not talk about all the beheadings done by your muslim brothers?
F**k you Obama
Demons don’t even get near bible or to see the cross that’s why he tell his brothers muslims take dowwn the cross is offensive
So let’s go back 2000 yrs…still taking NO responsibility for your actions in the 21st century.
God….he is going back to the Crusades again! They were English and maybe some French too…not Americans!
U probably should read the Bible before speaking