It was the moment when the entire world laughed at liberals and then lost all respect for the Nobel Prizes. When Barack Obama was announced as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, even the fresh-faced president pretended to be a little shocked. “To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who’ve been honored by this prize,” Obama said at the time. Still, he accepted the prize over several other much more worthy candidates. What did he do to deserve the prize?
Now, in a traditional Homer Simpson “doh!” moment, a former director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute has acknowledged that, in hindsight, he’s not so sure if giving the prize to Obama was a good move either. More regrets on the next page:
That was a great sham
I say jamb it up his$#%&!@*, thats about all its worth now !!
You cheapened the meaning of the prize when you gave it to Ohomo! Way to go, idiots!
They should be more meticulous in who & why they give, what used to be a very special award.
They should, probably the other way!
Yup..what bummer. What was it for i forget.
They need to rethink the ones nominating idiots who murder folks.
Usually Nobel prizes are given after proven actions, research etc……which has not been the case…’s a fact that since Obama receiving such prize has devaluated the prestige
Cant this prize be rescinded? Give it a try!
They should.