The Obama admin has approved ‘tens of millions’ of dollars to pay ‘vetted’ Syrian rebels. Specifically, they will pay a salary of $150/mo. to ISIS and The US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA), Al Nusra Front.
Obama has found yet another reason to send money to ISIS, the current ‘enemy of the month’, but temporary friend.
See page 2 for more information:
yeah that sounds about right cause we owe the enemy a check each month someone needs to take the clown out of the circus If congress allows this then it should be clear to the people what they need to do and its past time for this if you ask me
The spin on this is absurd. He’s giving money to the Free Syrian Army. Pointing out that members of the FSA have defected to various Islamic groups out there in the past is one thing, as is doubting whether they’ll be strong/competent enough to keep our hardware out of ISIS/al-Nursa hands. Saying he’s giving money/hardware directly to ISIS is another. It’s risky/stupid, not treason.
who pay US for the money spent on these countries that we help
Leonard out troops get crapped on and odumbo pays them. This country going bad quickly!
and our boys and giv
and our boys and girls get a pink slip and those that stay a 1% raise…i cannot say in words how exasperating he is
not only no, but HELL NO
Sun says:
“When I see him constantly finding ways to help ISIS I can only say–“What are all the members of Congress doing? Approving this insane act? He has aided the enemy at every turn.He has committed “TREASON” how many times now? He gives them arms and now is paying them?I am as disgusted with the USA and I dont even know what to say or do anymore,Everything bad is good now and everything that is and was good is now considered bad.SHAME on ALL the members of CONGRESS sitting on their a$$es while he tears our America apart piece by piece Everyone of them need to be booted out on the street,they are Horrible representatives of our AMERICA.”
we need to vote out these and put Godly people in
When I see him constantly finding ways to help ISIS I can only say–“What are all the members of Congress doing? Approving this insane act? He has aided the enemy at every turn.He has committed “TREASON” how many times now? He gives them arms and now is paying them?I am as disgusted with the USA and I dont even know what to say or do anymore,Everything bad is good now and everything that is and was good is now considered bad.SHAME on ALL the members of CONGRESS sitting on their a$$es while he tears our America apart piece by piece Everyone of them need to be booted out on the street,they are Horrible representatives of our AMERICA.