The Obama admin has approved ‘tens of millions’ of dollars to pay ‘vetted’ Syrian rebels. Specifically, they will pay a salary of $150/mo. to ISIS and The US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA), Al Nusra Front.
Obama has found yet another reason to send money to ISIS, the current ‘enemy of the month’, but temporary friend.
See page 2 for more information:
Never forget the power of the rope
so everyone will understand how all this madness is going on read THIS!!! http://www.Freedom-school .com/the united-states-is-a-corporation.html
Never had these problems before when we had Americans as our president
bulah says:
“No. Yes. YESSS!!!”
this can’t be true. if he does then he is a traitor
That’s just wrong
Why are we paying these people a dime. Am I nuts or is this just so wrong ! Time for a revolt its getting to be the only way to end this utter madness.
Robert Kershaw,
The law written and engraved in stone is called the ministry of death in the Bible. We don’t need law. We need Grace. We need only to repent and to ask for our Savior to give us forgiveness.