There can be no doubt that Mr. Obama intends to remain a force in US politics for decades to come. Instead of his leaving the office of president being the end of his political career, it just marked a shifting of activities and tactics. While he thankfully can no longer set US government policy, he certainly intends to influence it, not only through lobbying efforts, but also through protests staged by radicals he is training.
Mr. Obama’s plans are even more extensive, as he hopes to install his choice as the head of the DNC with the goal of seeing that individual run for president in 2020. More on page two.
Arrest him ASAP!
We are training too
Traitor!! Put this Traitor in jail!!
At the gun range practicing to stop you dead in your tracks
F**e news
Well, I disagree on PRESIDENT Trump, but the satisfaction of hearing your affirmation that Obama is a lying low life by saying “same with Trump” is priceless. Lol
I’ve even quoted your exact statement below so you can reread it and enjoy putting down your precious treasonous, muslim King.
Dubie Willard
“Same with trump’ he’s a lying low lifer scumbag, don’t forget to add him to that list!”
But you just called him a lying low life in your sad attempt to put down Trump. I will happily require it here for you.
The post you responded to was saying Obama was a lying low life….your response….
Same with trump’ he’s a lying low lifer scumbag, don’t forget to add him to that list!
Lol. Whoops. Fail.
Hilarious while attempting to put down Trump you agreed that Obama was a lying low life. I wholeheartedly agree with you. He certainly is.
And blue lips. Eek. He’s frightening!
We need people to go to Washington and watch that Muslim moron!!! We need to start our groups to stop Obama and protect President Trump!!!