There can be no doubt that Mr. Obama intends to remain a force in US politics for decades to come. Instead of his leaving the office of president being the end of his political career, it just marked a shifting of activities and tactics. While he thankfully can no longer set US government policy, he certainly intends to influence it, not only through lobbying efforts, but also through protests staged by radicals he is training.
Mr. Obama’s plans are even more extensive, as he hopes to install his choice as the head of the DNC with the goal of seeing that individual run for president in 2020. More on page two.
F**k obama
Pat Nackson++ He lied. But, it is taking a long time for half the country to realize he is a liar.
Januce Charles+ We all knew he was/ is an ACTIVIST from Chicago. We should have known he & Michelle have been TRAINING students in RADICALISM, how to obstruct,etc. This was at the University of Chicago. We got our first taste when Trump won the election.
People still don’t believe it.
Obama was born in Nigeria when it was owned by Britain. He was born Barry Soetoro. His mother was never married to Barrack Hussein Obama. He was a bastard child. She married an indonesian man named Sobarka Soetoro he was a cult leader that was originally a Muslim. Barry went to a muslim only school in Indonesia that taught hate for Americans until he was 9 years old then he went to Hawaii to live with his grandmother who is a communist. Barry’s mother Stanley Ann Dunham attended communist only school in Hawaii. Barry’s mentor as noted in his book he wrote was Frank Marshal Davis also a card toting communist. So kick the A- hole out to Nigeria.
Bring it on. Time to thin the herd out.
DNC knows that. They want the power not Laws. The Constitution means nothing to them. That’s what this is about.
He is wageing war on a sitting president isn’t that enough to put him behind bars?
What doesn’t this stinking$#%&!@*go and die somewhere?
One word. Treason.
he just needs a good$#%&!@*kicking