There can be no doubt that Mr. Obama intends to remain a force in US politics for decades to come. Instead of his leaving the office of president being the end of his political career, it just marked a shifting of activities and tactics. While he thankfully can no longer set US government policy, he certainly intends to influence it, not only through lobbying efforts, but also through protests staged by radicals he is training.
Mr. Obama’s plans are even more extensive, as he hopes to install his choice as the head of the DNC with the goal of seeing that individual run for president in 2020. More on page two.
Trump needs to drop a bomb on these s o.bns.
What he has done, and what he is now doing, are clearly treason. He and all of his cronies should be hung…
any connection to the ISIS camps in the US would not surprise me one bit.
Every single time Trump has come out and said something that caused controversy and all the talking heads were screaming how wrong he was …..HE WAS ALWAYS RIGHT.
1. June 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration files a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several advisers.
The request, uncharacteristically, is denied. The original FISA request which specifically named and broadly targeted Donald Trump was denied, a second request was redrafted months later which narrowed down on equipment in Trump Tower. The second request is said to have been granted, despite the fact that FBI sources did not believe these servers to be of actual national security or possess any illegal ties to Russia. The notion that this second FISA warrant was granted is highly significant as they exist to investigate cases when Foreign Intelligence is suspected of operations in the US, this FISA request was issued with no definitive proof/evidence that Trump had any nefarious ties to Russia – instead, it bears the hallmarks of a political witch hunt.
Follow the facts we know so far. The fact that Obama signed the order declassifying the results of the taps, which are normally SECRET or higher, flies in the face of his lack of knowledge regarding the taps themselves. This far worse than Watergate. This is textbook sedition and treason.
Why was he out promoting Hillary? To protect his legacy. This whole Democratic Party is as corrupt as they come. Not only did he wire tap but he also told illegals to vote and they did! We still won and now they are basically pushing for civil war. They are not prepared for that.
He is a Muslim trying to take over the US. And if we don’t wake up, he will!
We’ve got to arrest and try this POS for treason!
He’s definitely a traitor to our country
This evil man needs to be uthenized ! Or be put in prison for ever !
Arrest him and charge him with trying to topple our government.