There can be no doubt that Mr. Obama intends to remain a force in US politics for decades to come. Instead of his leaving the office of president being the end of his political career, it just marked a shifting of activities and tactics. While he thankfully can no longer set US government policy, he certainly intends to influence it, not only through lobbying efforts, but also through protests staged by radicals he is training.
Mr. Obama’s plans are even more extensive, as he hopes to install his choice as the head of the DNC with the goal of seeing that individual run for president in 2020. More on page two.
Boyke he’s a jealous sore loser lol
He apparently isn’t finished destroying the country yet.
The article is about Trump, not Obama. When you all can move into the present time, I’ll listen to you.
WHAT kind of nation IS this that allows this horror??
His brother tried to warn everyone! No one listened! Obama is pure evil! He’s a Muslim and wants America to become. Muslim country! Wake up folk. One day they will knock on your door!
so put this piece of garbage in jail
It’s propaganda to fan the hate you have for our past President. He’s in the PAST people. You need to be looking at what is being done in the Oval Office NOW. You’re otherwise wasting your energy, emotion and time. Tel me with FACTS how Obam is a radical Muslim dictator. This otta be sweet.
Lock him up
Or the Dem party, lol
You know what? Before you all respond with your profane hate and bigotry, I have better things to do than entertain people who refuse to see what is actually happening. Go ahead and keep your ignorance And live in your narrow minded world. You’ll see soon how truly concerned Trump and the GOP are with you and your needs. His leadership will speak for itself.