There can be no doubt that Mr. Obama intends to remain a force in US politics for decades to come. Instead of his leaving the office of president being the end of his political career, it just marked a shifting of activities and tactics. While he thankfully can no longer set US government policy, he certainly intends to influence it, not only through lobbying efforts, but also through protests staged by radicals he is training.
Mr. Obama’s plans are even more extensive, as he hopes to install his choice as the head of the DNC with the goal of seeing that individual run for president in 2020. More on page two.
Obama is guilty of sedition. People wake up, It is his 32,000 already trained army that is doint the rioting and disruption of Town Hall meetings. He has installed his minions inside all departments of our government, he has the media and academia in his pocket. He wants to join with the DNC in the next election to install his hand-picked candidate, Tom Perez, who is as radical, an Alinsky follower, as Obama. WAKE UP AMERICA. THE SWAMP IS OVERFLOWING!
He’s a traitor to humanity
Obama is the Worst President in US History
Last I heard they was treason
Arrest his dumb f*g$#%&!@*already
Aren’t you supposed to be writing a book that no one cares about? And you got paid a huge advance on? Go spend it and leave America alone..,IJS
Why has America allowed this to go on? Why hasn’t Ovomit been Arrested ?? WHY WHY WHY ??????!!!!!
Obama is a traitor!!!!!!
Arrest this man is what should happen
Based on his 8 years in the presidency, organizing is not one of his skills. Long winded speeches and mean spirited personal jibes are more his thing.