The Democrats can’t seem to get their story straight when it comes to election hacking.
Over the past year, the Obama administration has gone back-and-forth over the possibility of a hacked election. Sometimes they seemed to suggest that foreign governments — mainly Russia — could try to change the results, and sometimes they attempted to reassure Americans that such a thing would be impossible.
It was only after Donald Trump started raising concerns of a rigged election did the Obama administration finally manage to get on the same page. They said that the election would not be rigged and that Donald Trump was being “dangerous” by suggesting that it could.
Of course, that’s when they thought Hillary Clinton was going to win. Now that Trump has been declared the winner, the Obama administration is once again raising the possibility that the election was tampered with.
See why Obama ordered a “full review” of election-related hacking on the next page:
But, but, but, you were so very positive that there was no fraud during the election?? You are as bad as Jill and Hill.
They just can’t accept they LOST… They need to lick their wounds and go home.. He’s only doing this becasue it’s Trump and he knows his false legacy is going down..
but not sec of state illegal server hacking of govmt classified documents……. hmmmmmmmm…….
There’s a reason he had so many records sealed, he’s a fraud..
Before killary lost the libtards assured us no election rigging. After killary lost, omg it was rigged. Stfu
Muslim trash
From Hillary’s own words ” at this point in time, what difference does it make”? Who cares who the messenger was? It was all true. Hillary is mad she got exposed for being a criminal. If she was a good honest person nothing would have been there to hack that would be detrimental to her.
Obuzzard a win is a win. Get over it
Extreamley Desperate moves by this Corrupt Closet Muslim!