The Democrats can’t seem to get their story straight when it comes to election hacking.
Over the past year, the Obama administration has gone back-and-forth over the possibility of a hacked election. Sometimes they seemed to suggest that foreign governments — mainly Russia — could try to change the results, and sometimes they attempted to reassure Americans that such a thing would be impossible.
It was only after Donald Trump started raising concerns of a rigged election did the Obama administration finally manage to get on the same page. They said that the election would not be rigged and that Donald Trump was being “dangerous” by suggesting that it could.
Of course, that’s when they thought Hillary Clinton was going to win. Now that Trump has been declared the winner, the Obama administration is once again raising the possibility that the election was tampered with.
See why Obama ordered a “full review” of election-related hacking on the next page:
John Lee Montgomery III , Bernie Sanders sell out !!
It seems ole’ Bernie Sanders is not shedding a tear over ” Shawn Lucas /Staffer of his !! Ole’ Bernie is enjoying his $600,000 k & a ” NEW HOME ” from Hillary ! This is now 3 homes he owns & he is in debt $65 k & only has a Vermont Senator’s salary !! Well , his second wife was ” THEY ” Accountant for Burlington College & ” NOW ” ! the college is Bankrupt !!…..hmmmm !!! I guess 2+2 = one new home at least !!! From what I’m hearing his supporters are leaving him for the reason of this post !! ole’ Bernie has turned out to be a ” Greedy Socialist ” Freebi for the ” Peoples Republic of Sanders ” actually ” NO DIFFERENT THAN THE REST ” Sell Out !!!!!! ———————————————————————— This was all planned to begin with !! We all knew Bernie running was a joke & actually a spur for Hillary she thought !!
John Lee Montgomery III , John Bolton for Sect. of State only or another General !!! Anyway here is more !! ————–>>DNC conspired and colluded against Bernie Sanders & deaths
So let me get this straight :
WikiLeaks releases over 20,000 e-mails which prove that Hillary Clinton
and the DNC conspired and colluded against Bernie Sanders – the Democrat primaries
were rigged .
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigns in disgrace, and before the ink is even dry , Hillary Clinton
appoints her to be Co-Chair of her campaign.
Then Barack Obama’s DOJ files charges against WikiLeaks for ” electronic terrorism ” , in order to
protect Hillary Clinton and the DNC – instead of praising WikiLeaks for exposing the corruption
and alerting the American people to the ” massive fraud ” taking place in our election process ??
Then V.P. Joe Biden actually called WikiLeaks …” High Tech Terrorist ” .
The ” cherry on top ” of that corruption , immediately after that :
Two potential DNC ” whistle blowers “(Seth Rich / Voter Expansion Director & Shawn Lucas , Bernie Sanders , Staffer ) were murdered inside & out side their apartments shot in the back .
Their personal belongings cash/jewelry ect., All left in tact ! (Well sure as Hell was not a mugging.)
The best part ?!?
Virtual silence from the media !
It took a week & half for G.M.A. to say anything on Seth Rich & nothing on Shawn Lucas at all !!!
They did try to blame it on the Russians & Donald Trump for all of it !!!
This is how the Democrat Party rolls !!!!!!!
Really desperate to throw this election aren’t ya? You are the definition of a traitor!
John Lee Montgomery III , Man Who Investigated Hillary Was Found DEAD, But His Last Words Are The Scary Part
By Blair Patterson
Hillary Cinton is a person in the public eye at a level that very few people understand. With that level of notoriety, people will always have an incentive to look into what she does on a day to day basis. It’s simply human nature.
Victor Thorn had written three books about Hillary and Bill Clinton and his most recent was to uncover the fact that Hillary shouldn’t be in the White House, which anyone with two brain cells to rub together would have figured out. However, things took a turn for the weird afterwards.
Now, we here at Yes I’m Right are not ton-foil-hat wearing conspiracy theorists by any stretch of the imagination, however this is an absolutely chilling story that warrants sharing. After publishing his book outing the Clintons as frauds, Victor Thorn was found dead from an apparent suicide attempt, but what he said just before his death makes you wonder if there was foul play involved.
From Top Right News:
American Free Press released an announcement of Thorn’s death, and said his latest book had been “selling off the shelves” at AFP recently.
Co-authors Roger Stone and Robert Morrow dedicated their new book, “The Clintons’ War on Women” to Thorn in late 2015.
Thorn is the 4th suspicious death related to Hillary Clinton and/or the Democrat National Committee in the past 60 days, and the 2nd in the past week alone.
Shawn Lucas, a Bernie Sanders supporter who served the DNC with legal papers in a lawsuit alleging fraud, was found dead from “undetermined” causes in Virginia. Last month, 27 year-old DNC staffer Seth Conrad Rich was murdered while jogging in a safe Washington DC neighborhood. And former UN official John Ashe “accidentally” crushed his own throat and died a week before he was scheduled to testify against the Clintons and Democrat Party.
Talk show host Russell Scott said on August 3 that Thorn had been a guest on his show twice and was scheduled to be back on the show in September as the post-Labor Day election season was heating up.
Scott claimed that Thorne told him last year, as the 2016 campaign began: “Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.”
If this is true, then the Clintons may have very direct blood on their hands. One thing is for certain – with Trump in the White House, he has vowed to take down Clinton and put her behind bars!
Let’s get Trump to there to he can do what we all way. Put Hillary in PRISON, and let’s make sure that Thorn’s death was not in vain!
John Lee Montgomery III , Duties of the Secretary of State
Hillary is guilty by dereliction of NOT saving American citizens & her personnel Ambassador Stevens & Military personnel !! Read LINE #8.!! This is off the Govt Web Page too !!!——————————–>Duties of the Secretary of State
January 20, 2009
Under the Constitution, the President of the United States determines U.S. foreign policy. The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States.
Created in 1789 by the Congress as the successor to the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of State is the senior executive Department of the U.S. Government. The Secretary of State’s duties relating to foreign affairs have not changed significantly since then, but they have become far more complex as international commitments multiplied. These duties — the activities and responsibilities of the State Department — include the following:
Serves as the President’s principal adviser on U.S. foreign policy;
Conducts negotiations relating to U.S. foreign affairs;
Grants and issues passports to American citizens and exequaturs to foreign consuls in the United States;
Advises the President on the appointment of U.S. ambassadors, ministers, consuls, and other diplomatic representatives;
Advises the President regarding the acceptance, recall, and dismissal of the representatives of foreign governments;
Personally participates in or directs U.S. representatives to international conferences, organizations, and agencies;
Negotiates, interprets, and terminates treaties and agreements;
# 8…Ensures the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries;
Supervises the administration of U.S. immigration laws abroad;
Provides information to American citizens regarding the political, economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian conditions in foreign countries;
Informs the Congress and American citizens on the conduct of U.S. foreign relations;
Promotes beneficial economic$#%&!@*between the United States and other countries;
Administers the Department of State;
Supervises the Foreign Service of the United States.
In addition, the Secretary of State retains domestic responsibilities that Congress entrusted to the State Department in 1789. These include the custody of the Great Seal of the United States, the preparation of certain presidential proclamations, the publication of treaties and international acts as well as the official record of the foreign relations of the United States, and the custody of certain original treaties and international agreements. The Secretary also serves as the channel of communication between the Federal Government and the States on the extradition of fugitives to or from foreign countries.
John Lee Montgomery III , Federal Law: Title 18. Section 2071
Can it be any clearer?
Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton’s private email server illegal, it “disqualifies” her from holding any federal office.
Such as, say, President of the United States.
“If you do this or that bad thing, you’ve essentially disqualified yourself as being the leader of the free world,” said Mukasey, referring to the illegal server and the illegal handling of classified materials.
Mukasey specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.
For those of us who do not have United States Code committed to memory, here’s what it says:
Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”
Yes, it explicitly states “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”
Shouldn’t voters know that? The media won’t tell them. So it’s up to us. Can you help hold Hillary accountable?
Gross Negligence holds the same weight as Intent !
Only hacking was by George Soros techs, rigging the software to only record Clinton votes.
John Lee Montgomery III , Hillary & Libya Embassy
You forwarded this message on 7/3/2016
This was a closed Embassy, that was deemed banned to Americans due to the volatile conditions yet she sent our Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean there by pulling strings. She periodically removed the security measures in place prior to the attack,month by month with each request for additional security. Then in the final days and up to the final hours of our Americans lives, despite their pleas for help or to at least be removed from the embassy, she completely ignored them entirely. The brave CIA operatives from the Annex (although given the order to “stand down”) were the only ones who came to the aid of these brave Americans who were sent by the SOS then abandoned by the SOS to be slaughtered and mutilated in the most horrific ways. And all the while that these men were courageous fighting for their lives, she was busy creating an outrageous lie about a video with which to blame the events that took place instead of being honest with not only the American people, but the families who had just lost their loved ones to this tragedy. The initial insight committee’s report based solely on eye witness accounts and the personal journal of ambassador Stevens revealed all her actions or rather her lack of actions as well as uncovered her use of the illegal unsecured personal server that she had been illegally been conducting the government correspondence on. It also uncovered the fact that she had illegally deleted over 30,000 emails from the illegal personal server violating even more federal laws. Anyone that doesn’t know the federal laws of this nation that have been in place since Nixon erased 18 minutes on tape during Watergate doesn’t have the intelligence or competency to be in any government office much less should be allowed to run for POTUS. The crimes she has committed are as follows:
Unauthorized Removal And Retention Of Classified Documents Or Material
18 U.S.C. § 1924
Class: A Misdemeanor
Possible Penalty: Imprisonment for 1 year and/or $100,000 fine
Text: “Knowingly removing materials containing classified information of the United States with the intent to retain said info at an unauthorized location without the authority to do so”
Gathering, Transmitting Or Losing Defense Information
18 U.S.C. § 793
Class: Felony
Possible Penalty: Imprisonment for 10 years and/or $250,000 fine
Text: “Allowing [by means of gross negligence] any document relating to the national defense to be removed from its proper place of custody or destroyed –or- willfully retaining unauthorized documents relating to national defense and failing to deliver them to the United States employee entitled to receive them –or- failure to report that unauthorized documents relating to national defense were removed from their proper place of custody or destroyed”
Concealment, Removal, Or Mutilation Generally
18 U.S.C. § 2071
Class: Felony
Possible Penalty: Imprisonment of no more than 3 years, a fine, or both
Text: “Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same”
Destruction, Alteration, Or Falsification Of Records In Federal Investigations And Bankruptcy
18 U.S.C. § 1519
Class: Felony
Possible Penalty: Imprisonment of no more than 20 years, a fine, or both
Text: “Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States”
And that’s not including the crimes that the FBI uncovered regarding the Clinton foundation. The now publicized list of the Arabic countries supporting sharia law who hate the United States can’t be explained. The “laureate education” of which she got 55 billion from the government who gave 16.5 of that to Bill as an honorary chancellor. Yet they only have a 15% graduation rate in only South America and only 12% of their money can be accounted for. Plus the generous donor Rajiv Fernando who she awarded a seat on a prestigious White House committee despite the fact that he had absolutely no expertise in the field. This donor resigned his seat under tremendous scrutiny yet he still generously donated to the foundation and is a super delegate who obviously supports Hillary. The Clinton foundation classifies itself as a non profit charity to take advantage of the multiple tax breaks, but can you name what charity functions it contributes to, besides the Clinton family?
Dammmmm will it ever end. If trump would be doing all this c**p he would be slammed all over media they never say c**p about the evil Hillary. Sad