Former CBS Investigative Reporter Sharyl Attkisson recently stated that border patrol agents were ordered ´from the top´ to let as many illegals go as possible.
Attkisson´s stated:
“That is the directive, at least according to the understanding of law enforcement officials because I’ve been told the same thing by Border Patrol Agents, who say whether spoken or unspoken, there’s a policy coming from the top, that they’re not to…that they’re basically to be very lenient and try to let as many people go as possible, that’s what they think, that’s the message they think they’re receiving.
“And of course many of them are very frustrated because they are tasked with an entirely opposite job to protect our borders and to apprehend people who are here illegally. And then they’re basically feel that they’re being told not to do the job. So they’re sort of put in a quandary.”
Treason. ..
Part of his plan to change the demographics of the country.
there goes more of our paycheck money for people who want the EASY WAY OUT.
when are we going to drag this.douchebag out of the white house
Did someone from the mainstream media come out of a coma? Now if only the rest would WAKE UP
obama tired of you telling the border patrol to let as many people go as possible we do not want them you are not going by the law you are ignoring the law like you have been doing since you day 1 of first term all the way thru to your second term you have turn our country around and have lost your respect with the people everyone it turing against you except for two types but that will change when the finally realize you are a liar
what they need to do is disregard any orders that come from the top,they are members of the muslim brotherhood in OUR security department,thanks to our so-called “leader”,he is a disgrace to mankind!
Of course he did!
Their pushing for the North American Union
This ObombUs guy is sick