Former CBS Investigative Reporter Sharyl Attkisson recently stated that border patrol agents were ordered ´from the top´ to let as many illegals go as possible.
Attkisson´s stated:
“That is the directive, at least according to the understanding of law enforcement officials because I’ve been told the same thing by Border Patrol Agents, who say whether spoken or unspoken, there’s a policy coming from the top, that they’re not to…that they’re basically to be very lenient and try to let as many people go as possible, that’s what they think, that’s the message they think they’re receiving.
“And of course many of them are very frustrated because they are tasked with an entirely opposite job to protect our borders and to apprehend people who are here illegally. And then they’re basically feel that they’re being told not to do the job. So they’re sort of put in a quandary.”
so, what was all that hubbub after 9/11 about not letting terrorists into this country? Now they have an open door and a welcome mat. so WHY again, are we frisked and taking off our shoes, and having our luggage searched at airports?
So my question is, “How many are listening to usurperobama and how many are listening to The American People?”
Really. That’s stupid as hell. Just watched a show tonight on 60 mins about how American pple were dying bec they had cancer or diabetes and can’t afford “Obama care” or insurance . Maybe if they would give all those free benefits to Americans who actually live here and work everyday for them , there wouldn’t be so many veterans at interstate stop signs or walmart parking lot begging for money bec they can’t make it on the minimum wage or bec their v a checks have yet to come in the mail . Poor mom’s and dad’s that work hard and still can’t put food on the table or have insurance to have regular doctor and dentist visits . Instead we give pple who’s sweat doesn’t fall on this soil , endless opportunities. Oh Ur a foreigner? Come Into Our Country They Say , Well Give U A Check Every Month Food Stamps , Full Medical And Dental And If U Want To Start A Business hell We Ll Even Give U Money For That . Land of the free home of the brave ha more like land of the overworked and home of the broke ok done w my rant. Sorry
Morbo the answer is NO. People are you AWAKE? We can do all things through Christ who strentheth us.
Seems its time to send the President a WTF message on how this country should be run!!!!! OBAMA you SUCK $#%&!@* and your ruining this country!!!
No Quandary, IGNORE OBUMMER and prosecute illegal CRIMINALS to the fullest extent of the law!
who fked america barry and the administration and congress did it all
I still say let em loose in Washington,D.C. or Hollywood,CA.
If Obama ordered this he should be held for treason