Big Brother Obama Now Openly Tells Media What Propaganda to Print
Journalism has always had a side to it that is tinted Yellow. It’s not exactly news that the media is there to openly help Obama. It’s not even news that the White House feeds talking points to the media. However, Obama has become impatient with the tone of his lackeys. He doesn’t usually tell them what to print as press conference directly saying, “Print this.” Obviously, we don’t do that here. But read more about those who do on the next page:
We must demand that congress arrest and impeach Obama for treason.
He is not my president, he is nothing more than a terrorist
If more people can and would become aware of the big picture it would be us against 500 people that have all the wealth.
we want nothing but the truth,in god we trust.
Is that the reason the media reported the Oregon shooter as a white man when in reality he was black? That he had connections to Islam terrorists? The people he killed were not only Christian but white? WHERE Is The Outrage now? No riots. only prayer services. The guns are not the problem. It the people who can illegally get a hold of them and shoot innocent people. The American people who built this country deserve better than this.
Obama is a treasonous dictator
Can’t stand that c**p.
That’s not news
Totally unconscionable!!!