Big Brother Obama Now Openly Tells Media What Propaganda to Print
Journalism has always had a side to it that is tinted Yellow. It’s not exactly news that the media is there to openly help Obama. It’s not even news that the White House feeds talking points to the media. However, Obama has become impatient with the tone of his lackeys. He doesn’t usually tell them what to print as press conference directly saying, “Print this.” Obviously, we don’t do that here. But read more about those who do on the next page:
Adolf$#%&!@*would of been proud to be a part of the Obumo Administration.
His horns are showing
If you look at all this c**p he tries to pull just right, you can get a good laugh. He has got to know there is no way he can take our guns. And I am still thinking he may behind all these “lone wolf” attacks. He has to have an excuse to try to take our guns and I do believe killing our own people is not beneath him.
You are going to lose asswipe
Check this out!!!
In these Orwellian days absolutely nothing is as it appears. The media is totally compromised by the crony capitalism that holds elected officials in thrall, hence the voting public is given nothing but propagandist pablum from day to day, lest they wake up and find their country and constitutional rights stolen away from them by the men behind the curtain. Every event we see in the media is staged for public consumption, including something as simple as a visiting Pope (?) being handed a note by a supposed immigrant girl, who by some supernatural means has managed to slip through the “security” perimeter around him. This results in yet another public reinforcement of the OWG agenda’s message. It is so terrifying that we (” The People” ) can no longer believe that truth exists, that we ultimately succumb to the helpless/hopelessness this creates, and resignedly assimilate into the already co-opted flock of sheeple who were once a nation of strength and purpose, and are now soulless and dependent minions of the all-powerful.
I see no evidence to date of any real potential to reverse this decay in what was once the greatest social experiment in the history of modern civilization. Good night, America.
At what point do people get so ticked off that they can’t take this c**p anymore
So what is news worthy here? What would be news worthy is if the media told him to go to hell and actually reported the news as it really is.