Big Brother Obama Now Openly Tells Media What Propaganda to Print
Journalism has always had a side to it that is tinted Yellow. It’s not exactly news that the media is there to openly help Obama. It’s not even news that the White House feeds talking points to the media. However, Obama has become impatient with the tone of his lackeys. He doesn’t usually tell them what to print as press conference directly saying, “Print this.” Obviously, we don’t do that here. But read more about those who do on the next page:
No not Barry$#%&!@*???
Does this sound like anyone we know? Remember. He said he wants to “fundamentally transform America.” I submit that this is what Obama is about. Substitute Obamas name for Muhammad, Americans for Meccans and Constitution for traditional values.
[The Meccans/[Americans] said they had never known anything like the trouble they had endured from this fellow. He had declared their mode of life foolish, insulted their forefathers, reviled their religion, divided the community and cursed their gods (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 183).
“We [the Meccans/Americans]] have never seen the like of what we have endured from this man [Muhammad/Obama]]. He has derided our traditional values [Second Ammendment, U.S. Constitution, etc], abused our forefathers, reviled our religion, caused division among us, and insulted our gods. We have endured a great deal from him.” (al-Tabari, Vol.VI p.101)
If only Obama would stick a pistol to his temple and pull the trigger…
Congress needs to get him out of office and in jail.
Be s great American buy your family protection !
The Hidden Statistics
Can we count on the media to give an accurate report?
Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993
Pew report link below
Obama wants civil war
suck on this …you muslim$#%&!@*
Hussein Obama for gitmo 2016
This is a FREE country & the press SHOULD BE reporting the news , NOT what Obama wants us to see/hear.