Obama: Obamacare is Failing Because of Millennials and Hostile States

If Mr. Obama cannot cure his signature healthcare legislation, maybe at least he can attempt to identify what’s making it sick.  And sick it is, with an initial roll-out plagued with technical problems, and now with insurance companies bailing out, premiums set to skyrocket in 2017, fraudulent funding schemes employed by the government itself, and a general sense that this thing just doesn’t work.

So, unable to deny the obvious difficulties his healthcare program is experiencing, Mr. Obama took to attempting to identify the problem.  Turns out its those millennials who just are not signing up in the quantities needed to make the program solvent.

This is a surprise?  The people who are least likely to need a service are not signing up.  And those who do expect to be heavy consumers are.  It’s a terrific example of what happens when market forces are replaced with government “wisdom.”

And, not to miss an opportunity to blame something on his political opponents, he also pointed a finger at states that he believes are hostile to the program.

Anything to avoid the obvious conclusion:  The Affordable Care Act is bad legislation.  The result is a failed healthcare program.


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