Obama’s despotic regime is very close to being fully brought into full force with his ability to stop all communication across all media and send ‘Presidential Alerts’ at will.
Of course, the ability to control all media to issue state propaganda is a must for any totalitarian regime and Obama has that in place now.
Put this evil, Muslim terrorist behind bars & prosecute him for treason & his crimes against humanity!
A la 1984
Simple….Turn off the TV!
Why this authority now, Oh yeah,,,
Where do you guys get this stuff?
Someone needs to pulls a k switch on him
Throw this evil, Muslim terrorist behind bars & prosecute him for treason and his crimes against humanity!
yup lets nuke em
WTFreckles!! That’s just wrong totally! We don’t get to interrupt his phone calls or his golf games to tell him our concerns and complaints. I can see it on tv or Facebook or hear it on the radio. Don’t interrupt my phone calls!!