More progressive, liberal rhetoric out of Obama today, using scare tactics about another government shut down due to the budget crisis.
His address, which covered his fantasy that America is on the right track economically, was right out of some alternate reality he and his ilk have concocted. He did get one thing right.
His reference to the “political season” which in turn will make this issue purely Republican vs. Democrat, does have merit. He scandalizes the country with more lies, saying that planned parenthood is not an issue important enough to be addressed.
More Obama lies next page
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country
idiot impeach him
Under Oasswipe economics regress not progress.
What progress, what climate change.
He, obviously, did not excel in economics class.
there nothing patrotic about OBAMA
Stupid cockroach!!!
But there is something patriotic about telling the truth. Asubject that Mr. Obama would not be familiar with. The economy stink and the country is going bankrupt. Middle class salaries are down and the number of working Americans is smaller than since the 70s. See my blog at
What progress? Since you been in office its all down hill and getting worse.
Wtf your kidding right