More progressive, liberal rhetoric out of Obama today, using scare tactics about another government shut down due to the budget crisis.
His address, which covered his fantasy that America is on the right track economically, was right out of some alternate reality he and his ilk have concocted. He did get one thing right.
His reference to the “political season” which in turn will make this issue purely Republican vs. Democrat, does have merit. He scandalizes the country with more lies, saying that planned parenthood is not an issue important enough to be addressed.
More Obama lies next page
#00 million people or I should say legal citizens and nearly 94 million unemployed. You are a freakin liar.
What progress, Barack Obama?
He’s high.
Progress? He’s an Idiot !!
He has killed the American dream and is working on killing America. It wont be long before a person with a college degree. Well have to pick trash because there well not be anything left in America. I hope the people that voted for that moron like the change you got.
You are such a fool
there is none
Are talking about Iran stupid ?
economic regress … im sure thats what he meant
What Progress You Idiot POS, There Is None !!