More progressive, liberal rhetoric out of Obama today, using scare tactics about another government shut down due to the budget crisis.
His address, which covered his fantasy that America is on the right track economically, was right out of some alternate reality he and his ilk have concocted. He did get one thing right.
His reference to the “political season” which in turn will make this issue purely Republican vs. Democrat, does have merit. He scandalizes the country with more lies, saying that planned parenthood is not an issue important enough to be addressed.
More Obama lies next page
illegaly printing 80 billion a month is not progress its theft
you have demostrated economically, nationally, globally that you are unpatriotic in pretty much every single aspect of who you are.
This twisted individual actually believes his own lies
Gfy lying idiot failure. You all by yourself added more Debt than all previous presidents combined, wow a fifth grader could have done better than this moron oh,wait, doing all this intentionally.
Fricking Moron
If there weren’t so many people on the dole, we might be able to agree. People on the dole get more money than some people with real jobs.
Well IF, and that is a big IF, the President believes that I would like to be a flie on the wall when he explains that to the Pope.
What progress you muslim moron pos
what progress. he is definitely hallucinating if he thinks the american people are in any kind of prosperity.
Economic progress???…tell that to the 93 million Americans either looking for or are out of work….you worthless POS…