Obama: “I Am Not Interested” In Pursuing “American Leadership Or American Winning”

Barrack Obama has said he is uninterested in American leadership and an American victory against ISIS.

From Bloomberg:

The president grew visibly irritated with repeated questions during his news conference about whether he should act more decisively or accomplish more faster to destroy Islamic State. He said he is aware his approach doesn’t offer the satisfaction of a “neat headline” or an immediate solution.

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of ‘American leadership’ or ‘America winning”’ that has “no relationship to what is actually going to work,” he said.

Obama also rejected building sentiment in the U.S. to turn back refugees from Syria out of fear that terrorists will be hidden among them.

In other words, the president has absolutely no desire whatsoever to actually do his job, eradicate ISIS, and keep our nation safe because the proper actions to do so require him to drop his liberal agenda, which isn’t something he’s willing to do.

From Grabien:

“In terms of refugees, it’s clear countries like Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, which are already bearing an extraordinary burden, cannot be expected to do so alone. At the same time, all of our countries have to ensure our security. As president, my first priority is the safety of the American people and that’s even why as we accept more refugees, including Syrians, we do so only after subjecting them to rigorous screening and security checks.

We also have to remember that many of these refugees are the victims of terrorism themselves. That’s what they’re fleeing.

Slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values. Our nations can welcome refugees who are desperately seeking safety. And ensure our own security. We can and must do both.

Source: Young Conservatives

“And they’re victims! And they just wanna…!” Even if the President were sincerely concerned for the well being of the victims of ISIS, he has already come out and said he isn’t interested in taking the fight back to them.

Obama is uninterested in focusing on opposing ISIS because it would go against his personal agenda to promote extremism here in the US.



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