Nobody’s freedom is safe right now – the United Nations General Assembly is in session. And it wouldn’t be a success without a rousing pro-globalism, anti-American speech by an American president. Mr. Obama fits that bill perfectly.
What were some of the main points of Mr. Obama’s farewell speech to the UN?
Well, for starters, we must give up some freedoms to achieve security. (Can’t he be a bit more original than that? What a let-down.)
To give him some credit for originality, he has expanded the concept of trading freedom for security from the individual level to that of nations. In other words, nations must surrender some of their autonomy to world bodies if a measure of security is to be achieved.
Of course, this is precisely the kind of talk we’ve come to expect from Obama and his ideological soul-mates. No doubt Hillary is chomping at the bit to take over where Barack has left off.
What else has he in mind for us?
THAT’S BS……………
This is obamas agenda I been telling you for years world order trump is about bringing peace back to america for all Americans only legal americans look at obama trying to start a war with russia and making enemy’s with our man allies. Read your bible any country that goes against isarail that country gets destroyed by god.russia did not interfere in the election god did.Anthony up and see what’s going on just what I been telling you for four years now and it don’t have nothing at all to do with colossal that don’t work no more obama is one of the anti christ.
Don’t think so scum bag.
He really is delusional and grandiose… I’m pretty sure that is an undisputed mental illness.
Who in their right mind can support this type of irrational thinking
Hey Obama you are full of pig$#%&!@*and bacon
Of course he would say that- he is an enemy of the USA. He actually hates us.
NEW WORLD ORDER …by any chance!!!
Nope NOPE NO!!!!