Nobody’s freedom is safe right now – the United Nations General Assembly is in session. And it wouldn’t be a success without a rousing pro-globalism, anti-American speech by an American president. Mr. Obama fits that bill perfectly.
What were some of the main points of Mr. Obama’s farewell speech to the UN?
Well, for starters, we must give up some freedoms to achieve security. (Can’t he be a bit more original than that? What a let-down.)
To give him some credit for originality, he has expanded the concept of trading freedom for security from the individual level to that of nations. In other words, nations must surrender some of their autonomy to world bodies if a measure of security is to be achieved.
Of course, this is precisely the kind of talk we’ve come to expect from Obama and his ideological soul-mates. No doubt Hillary is chomping at the bit to take over where Barack has left off.
What else has he in mind for us?
Not on your Nelly, Obama. You are such a dangerous man. I have just read the news dated 01/01/17 advising that there has been the killing of at least 35 people and the wounding of 40 at Riana Club in Turkey by a couple of terrorists dressed like Santa. Is this the type of World you want us to join? Take your ideals elsewhere. Now we know you have done nothing to save the innocent people overseas from ISIS etc. You are just playing a game with the USA’s money. You are watching Christians and Jews die and you don’t care. You are surely arrogant to wait until the last few weeks of your office. I hope Australia does not touch you with a bar pole if you try anything further along these lines. You and Kerry are evil and hatred.
Not in this lifetime
trump will get rid of the UN
Yes he wants to be leader in united nation that is why we need out now move them out.not true
Don’t hold your breath!!
Here Obama goes again with ONE WORLD ORDER. America passes. We will just keep our constitution.
Your fired!
Hey Obama needs to get a life and leave the constitution and our lives alone
No way!
United Nation will sink when we defund them(coming soon)