Barack Obama said in his Weekly Address this Saturday that the justice system has been unfair and praised efforts to reform the criminal justice system. After all, crack and cocaine dealers are really the best of a bad lot and deserve a little consideration for the hard work they had to do getting good people addicted.
Find out more about what Obama had to say about criminal justice on page 2.
What was we thinking , punishing criminals.
Satan speaks again.
if it wasn’t broken ovomit would be in jail waiting trial
Unfair only in that he has violated the Constitution and should be tried for treason
Thanks oboma
He should get a good understanding FIRST HAND.
He finally said some that was true.
yea, him hillarass and his cronies are still loose…….
I am so angry with the RNC and the Heritage Foundation and the Tea Party and TPNN News, and Northwestern Journalism—THEY ARE ALL THE SAME PEOPLE. Every week they are sending me a SURVEY, and at the bottom is a space for MORE DONATIONS. If they can’t read the wishes of the AMERICAN PEOPLE, what good is it to continue filling out the surveys and for me to continue sending them money?????? I’ve nearly sent them my entire SOCIAL SECURITY CHECK, and they continue sending me SURVEYS!!!! What is it you people don’t understand???? Donald Trump is representing the people. The RNC AND THEIR minions of “journalists” don’t seem to understand what the people want!!! HEY RNC, HOW ABOUT SUPPORTING YOUR LEADING CANDIDATE—INSTEAD OF PULLING OUT YOUR OWN TEETH TRYING TO GET RID OF TRUMP???? I’m sending my Social Security Check to Donald Trump and I’m not feeding the Republicans and the Tea Party who will ENSURE THAT THE DEMOCRATS WIN IN 2016!!!!
ya its unfair to lock somone up for selling drugs that kill heroin and crack kill just like guns do