Barack Obama said in his Weekly Address this Saturday that the justice system has been unfair and praised efforts to reform the criminal justice system. After all, crack and cocaine dealers are really the best of a bad lot and deserve a little consideration for the hard work they had to do getting good people addicted.
Find out more about what Obama had to say about criminal justice on page 2.
Yes its very unfair that your not in it!!!!!!!!!!
There is only one White Species and many black haired Species on the earth. The black Haired ones have always wanted and stolen what the Whites have built.
It sure is unfair when it allows the early release of prisoners because of anyone in authorities whim. The people charged the criminal, the people convicted the criminal, and the people placed them in prison for a term to be served. The reason behind that is we do not want them walking our streets!
Yes it is unfair that politicians are not held accountable to the law! #dirtypolitics
If he was not black and a moslim and a democrat. he would already be in prison
Obama makes me sick. He is a thug.
Yes how true
Yeah, why haven’t you been tried for treason yet?????
Your absolutely right. If it were working you and your cronies would be in jail a long time ago.
Your whole administration should be in prison, you have been a waste. Pat yourself on back moron.