Barack Obama said in his Weekly Address this Saturday that the justice system has been unfair and praised efforts to reform the criminal justice system. After all, crack and cocaine dealers are really the best of a bad lot and deserve a little consideration for the hard work they had to do getting good people addicted.
Find out more about what Obama had to say about criminal justice on page 2.
yeah its unfair….he isnt behind bars
With you our criminal justice is absolutely unfair.
Thanks for nothing.
If it were FAIR, Obama and Hillary would ALREADY be behind BARS!
If he were white he’d already have been impeached
EXACTLY!! It only works somewhat against the innocents!
Yes,because you and Hillary are still out and running free.
yea it is a dumacrap that kills 4 and a fool that
this is very apparent………………obummer isn’t in prison
Got that right obama, you should be in jail right now
Thanks to ibamanation