Barack Obama said in his Weekly Address this Saturday that the justice system has been unfair and praised efforts to reform the criminal justice system. After all, crack and cocaine dealers are really the best of a bad lot and deserve a little consideration for the hard work they had to do getting good people addicted.
Find out more about what Obama had to say about criminal justice on page 2.
Because he’s black and a moslem. Everybody is scared of him. Our congress and our military still let him live. WHY is that?????
Yes he is walking proof
Our criminal justice system is not unfair. It’s unfair when some want to be dictator decides that the convictions of criminals was to harsh and let’s them out early.
It’s unfair to the families of those hurt by these criminals that our want to be dictator releases violent criminals early because he thinks their sentence was too long. That’s what makes our justice system unfair.
The “Criminal Justice system is unfair”, doesn’t it start with in The White House and then trickle down hill……
Yeah ,”UNFAIR” because they haven’t arrested you , “YET” !!!!
With an Attorney General that ignores her oath of office and refuses to enforce the laws of the US what do you expect.
If it were fair, he would be in prison.
Washington is a prime example of justice undone!!! ,then it just trickles on down out into the country.