In his latest gradational move to establish the executive branch as the sole governmental authority over our country, Obama has made it clear that Congress will have no voice to approve or disapprove the Iranian nuclear deal his administration has been working on.
Instead, our President will give the U.N. Security Council the power to yea or nea the authorization to give Iran the capability to build a nuclear bomb.
This highly treasonous move to supplant our legislative branch with the U.N. is yet another major step on America’s path to totalitarianism as led by the Obama regime.
Once again I’ll tell you, no one is willing to stand up to him. An it’ll be our down fall
Same $#%&!@* Bill Clinton wanted to do!
Let no one tell America what to do unless they are American!
The sooner the better!
Bill, the sooner the better,,,,WHAT? Are you in support of the UN taking over our government?
NO—NO—NO—HELL NO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
May God give him a double dose of a pox upon him and hope it disables him. But would Biden be any better ?
If Capital Hill would get that traitor out of the White House then America would not have to wait any longer till the next election.
yes biden definitely be better than obama. plus what obama is doing is illegal
watch out for martial law