In his latest gradational move to establish the executive branch as the sole governmental authority over our country, Obama has made it clear that Congress will have no voice to approve or disapprove the Iranian nuclear deal his administration has been working on.
Instead, our President will give the U.N. Security Council the power to yea or nea the authorization to give Iran the capability to build a nuclear bomb.
This highly treasonous move to supplant our legislative branch with the U.N. is yet another major step on America’s path to totalitarianism as led by the Obama regime.
Congress can defund it, impeach POTUS, and declare null and void anything king obama does.
impeach Obama before its too late
Impeach the Bas$#%&!@* now
Defund the U.N. and throw them out of the U.S. !!!
I’m having a very hard time understanding why Congress (House and Senate) can’t begin impeachment hearings against Obama for all the laws he has has broken or changed at his own will…..I wish some attorney would weigh in and explain why this can’t be done…..
get rid of united nations. we are sovereign.
You best get this c**p out of our country…the resistance is coming…..
The UN is useless and corrupt.Banana Republics and comunist.
If he does that he should be immediately handcuffed and be put in jail for treason